Burma Road Photos

Burma Road Estates View Photos 3 Project Overview Project Type: Real Estate / Development Location: Fernie, BC Burma Road Estates is a development in Fernie that is currently selling lots for for residential housing. The development is being done differently,...

Sinister 7 2018

Sinister 7 Ultra 2018 View Photos 3 Project Overview Project Type: Race / Event Location: Crowsnest Pass, Alberta Every year, the Sinister 7 Ultra Marathon draws thousands to the town of the Crowsnest Pass, and this year I was lucky enough to be part of the...

Meet the Minotaur 2018

Meet the Minotaur 2018 View PHotos 3 Project Overview Project Type: Race / Event Location: Crowsnest Pass, Alberta This was the first race that I’ve taken photos of completely by myself and it was so much fun! The race itself is put on by some awesome people in...

Mountains Matter

Mountains Matter - Home View Full Video 3 Project Overview Project Type: Personal Project Location: Crowsnest Pass, Alberta My hometown of the Crowsnest Pass had its first film festival this year and as part of it, there was a film competition for people to...

Utah Travel Video

a taste of utah View Full Video 3 Project Overview Project Type: Personal Project Location: Southern Utah When the leaves began to turn and the warm weather and long days of summer began to dwindle, my good friend Ryan and I took a trip to Utah in an attempt to...