Crowsnest 100 2019 Race

Crowsnest 100 2019 View PHotos 3 Project Overview Project Type: Bike Race / Event Location: Crowsnest Pass, Alberta This year, 2019, was the first year for the Crowsnest 100. As the name suggests, it’s a mountain bike race in the Crowsnest Pass that covers...

Meet the Minotaur 2019 Race

Meet the Minotaur 2019 View PHotos 3 Project Overview Project Type: Race / Event Location: Crowsnest Pass, Alberta This is my favourite event of the year. It’s a foot race that is unique because of its alpine terrain and some fairly exposed mountain...

Element Homes

Element Homes View the Website 3 Project Overview Project Type: Personal Project In partnership with Wigwam Media, I helped complete a website redesign for a Fernie company called Element Mountain Homes. Element is a home building company who needed a new website...

White River Adventures

White River Adventures View the Website 3 Project Overview Project Type: Website Redesign In partnership with Wigwam Media, I helped create a website for White River Adventures. This project was a complete site redesign and the goal was to showcase cabins and...

Find Away Photography

Find Away Photography View the Website 3 Project Overview Project Type: Personal Project My very first project, and the start of my web design journey. I created Find Away Photography as my personal travel blog and as a place to post tutorials and photos. I post...